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  • Writer's pictureElana Withnall

The New Year: Same You, Bigger Goals

Updated: Jun 26, 2020

Welcome to A New Year!

If last year has taught me one thing. Well... countless things.

But through personal misfortune. Five visits to hospital. Hurdles. Obstacles. Unexpected overseas ventures. Becoming a godmother. Friendships strengthened. Love shared. A degree completed. Adventures upon adventures. And small successes. I'm so glad to have been able to learn and grow from each and every situation. The 'New Year, New Me' mantra works for some. New Year resolutions, for another.

But for me - I have the same goals. Same dreams. I Just encourage a stronger ''intrinsic mindset,'' a more determined will and the strength to work toward those goals. Every. Single. Day of the New Year.

Amongst goals. And especially if yours is too like mine: becoming an Olympian. It is important to not lose sight of the smaller, daily, personal goals - that will all make up a big part of allowing you reach The Ultimate Goal / The Resolution of the New YOU! I upmost encourage a 'self care' regime. This is to ensure you don't lose sight of your personal needs; amongst the Big Picture. It can be very complex - like a list of tasks you need to accomplish by the end of a week. Or it could be as simple as ensuring you get your half an hour walk in; everyday. Your solo surf amongst the waves. Your one-on-one time with your partner. Or simply isolating yourself from the world, to a quiet place for five minutes to read your favourite book. It's about what works for you - to ensure you are at peace with yourself, with your life. You feel content and are operating at your best YOU, everyday.

For me - exercise has and will always be an affinity in my life. When I don't train - I don't feel myself. Something is missing. I actually been more lethargic without exercise.

Now in different times of the Athletics season, I'll train periodically more - or less. Depending when races are or the intensity of the training program. Having used to be a big perfectionist. I would be hard on myself if I ever missed one session. Couldn't do a certain training drill because of injury. Couldn't complete the set task given to my coach. Or simply run up to MY standard in a training session. This affected a younger Lani. Mentally; it was the self-esteem killer.

Not being good enough - for myself.

This lead to some health problems later in my teens. Which I still battle through. And Through multiple, countless injury - which absolutely killed my vibe; whenever I got seriously injured and had to miss the simple daily task of training. And then to major competitions; I was tough.

Having the daily thing that you love. Your outlet. Your endorphin bringer.

Be taken away without warning.

The physical pain of the injury was never the worst part - it was the withdrawals from running; and working away. To become better.

To become faster and strong. I always longed for the most.

But having had that internal battle a vast majority of my life. As part of my 'self care' (along with the help of parents, close friends and sports physiologists) I've been able to control this. Not let it get to me as intensely. That fear - holding me back from reaching my ultimate potential and maybe even the Ultimate Goal.

Nowadays, I've fortunately been able to shape this fear to my advantage. I now try to execute 'perfect form' when I'm training or when executing tasks in a work environment. Rather than just that ''perfectionist mindset'' that haunted me. A fear of not living up to my standard. I Try to shape it toward something physical that works for me - and not against me! And being a little bit nicer to yourself, is always a good step in the right direction. But it doesn't happen over night, I'm afraid. It's all those daily little conquered, a daily set of small tasks - executed to YOUR standards.

That add up to something big. Something worth persevering for.

A sense of accomplishment that YOU succeeded at your goal, your task, your resolution. A feeling worth not giving up on.

So I encourage you! To join that gym! Enter that half marathon. Go back to uni and learn a different career. Or simply learn to laugh at yourself more often.. Whatever YOUR little goal is. Fight for it, work for it. And make it happen. Every single day; until you reach your finish line.

Until next time's thoughts,

Keep Dreaming & Believing...

Xx Lani

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